Do you do what you say you are going to do? Do you feel like your word is everything? Is commitment a word that makes you feel uncomfortable? Are you able to do something every day like a fitness practice or meditation? Are you able to hold a job? Have you been in a long term committed relationship?
At the heart of this work is commitment. Commitment is the act of recommitting.
And, choosing to commit is a practice that can require courage.
Taking that step down the path of your life towards what you want is a commitment.
Each time you pick up your foot and swing your leg, you are committing to moving forward.
Commitment is how to manifest what you really want in your life and in your relationship.
Start with wondering about what you want.
When you have an idea of what you want, say, “I want ____________.”
If you have a felt body sense that you can continue on, say, “I am willing to _____________.”
If you are ready to commit with a full body Yes, say, “I commit to _______________.”
Enjoy commitment as an agreement with you and the universe.
Suggested commitments:
I commit to commit and re-commit.
I commit to discovering what I want.
I commit to enjoying an easy and friendly world.
I commit to creating completions.
I commit to intimacy and harmony.
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