Personal Death Awareness:
Curating a Fulfilling Life, NOW!
8 Week Seminar
with Crystal Dawn and Audrey
Coming February 2022!
There is plenty of time and there is only so much time...
Do you do what you say you are going to do?
Do you have ideas about how you want your death to go?
Did you ever think you could have fun talking about death?
If you died tomorrow:
Do you have your affairs in order?
Would your family and friends know what to do?
Would you feel complete with life?
Is there anything you have not said to anyone?
This seminar is for you if:
​This is for you if you are:
Actively willing to redesign their relationship with endings.
Growing into a new relationship with all of your feelings.
Are willing to create a kind and responsible structure for your own ending.
Are willing to use your relationship with death as an opportunity to create more connection with yourself and the people you love.
In this seminar you will:
Receive a digital packet with practices and questions to consider
Explore left brain/ right brain processes and whole body activities
Discover your relationship to ENDINGS
Practice making conscious completions
Clarify your concept/image of death
Consider how you would like to be celebrated when you are dead.
Get curious about unfinished business with others in our lives.
Explore what you would like to say to special people in your life, if you haven't already said it elsewhere.
Discover your 5 Happy Death Goals (what you would like to have accomplished, completed, succeeded in fulfilling by the time of your death).
Look at Accepting Death.
Discover how to use death and the process of death as an ally.
This is a live virtual weekly seminar and will be recorded if you cannot make it.
Register Now!
Click below to register by making your payment with SQUARE.
10% will be donated to the Foundation for Conscious Living.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a discovery call,
email us at
Join us each week we explore the ways in which we complete things...
Little things... big things... projects...
Our whole life.
And, create a plan for those you love
so they know what you would like to happen
after you are no longer alive.
About Audrey and Crystal
I’m Audrey Hazekamp.
I am a genuine powerhouse, complete with fierce presence, curiosity, kindness and integrity.
I disrupt limiting patterns and facilitate impactful action.
I ask big questions and will stay up ‘till the wee hours of the morning for an amazing conversation.
I’m more interested in big questions than logical answers.
I sense straight through to the heart of things.
I gravitate towards people who are ready to take their lives from “pretty darn good” to holy cow, how fulfilled and ‘on purpose’ can I be?”
I can be a fierce mama lion — and a gentle nurturer. I’m no stranger to tears, trauma, and angst — and add a dash of ‘light’ to your darkest doubts. I’ll hold firm to the picture of your radiant, limitless wholeness. I see beauty, not brokenness; possibility, not predictability.
I'm Crystal Dawn.
I am a happy - go - lucky kind of free spirit.
I love to ask the big questions and I like to know things.
I have a strong sense of what is true and what resonates as real.
I am all about being real.
I come as I am even if that means I am still in my robe. And, that makes it easy for those around me to show up authentically.
My mission is to evolve and grow. I get my most joy out of learning new things and studying. My most recent passion is Vedic Astrology!
Whenever I feel restless, I play with those feelings... then I study something that is of great interest to me and in no time, I feel like myself again. Ready to play. Ready to go deep. And ready to meet you where you are.